How to Create an API Key

    All of our current products use the Sanbase account as reference. You cannot use Sanbase as a login option for the API or for Sansheets. This is where an API key comes in.

    When you create a Sanbase account, you have the ability to generate an API key that carries the same access rights for use with our other products. The access rights assigned to this key depend on your subscription plan.

    Creating an API Key

    To create an API key, visit the account settings of Sanbase, SanAPI, or Sansheets.

    In the account settings, click on the Generate button to create a new key.

    generate apikey button

    The key will be displayed as a string. You can copy it and use it wherever needed.

    revoke apikey button

    You can revoke the key at any time from the same location.

    Using an API Key

    The Authentication Section demonstrates how to include an API key in your requests.