- Go to Sanapi
- Overview
- Example
- How to access the API
- Fetching Metrics
- Common GraphQL queries
- Rate Limits
- Historical and Realtime data restrictions
- Complexity
- Glossary
- Supported Blockchains
API Reference
Santiment API utilizes GraphQL. The decision to use GraphQL over REST was made due to several reasons:
It allows you to request precisely the data you need and conveniently batch requests together. This effectively addresses the issues of underfetching and overfetching data. For instance, why fetch all 20+ fields of a project when you only need its name?
The request describes the format of the response. This eliminates the need to guess what data the result contains and how to parse it.
It provides an easy, out-of-the-box method to explore our API via our Live Explorer.
The example below demonstrates a GraphQL query used to fetch timeseries price data. The parameters control the time range, the interval between data points, and how all the values within an interval are aggregated.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
{ getMetric(metric: "twitter_followers") { timeseriesData( slug: "ethereum" from: "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z" to: "2023-01-05T00:00:00Z" interval: "1d" aggregation: LAST){ datetime value } } }
Run the example in the GraphiQL Live Explorer
How to access the API
Instructions how to access the API can be found on the Accessing the API page.
Fetching Metrics
You can find information on how to explore and fetch the available metrics on the Fetching Metrics page.
Common GraphQL queries
The list of Common GraphQL queries gives examples for the different type of queries one can craft and execute.
Rate Limits
The Rate Limits Page provides detailed information on how API calls are counted and how rate limits are applied.
Historical and Realtime data restrictions
The Historical and Realtime data restrictions provides information about the applied restrictions per plan.
Each API query has a limit to the amount of data points it can fetch. The Complexity Page provides a detailed explanation on how complexity analysis determines whether a given query will be executed or rejected.
You can find the definitions of some terms used on this page in our dedicated glossary page.
Supported Blockchains
You can find information about the blockchains we support on our Supported Blockchains page.