Common Santiment API GraphQL Queries
In this article we explore some of the most frequently used queries in the SanAPI.
Retrieve data for one asset
This query obtains the daily active addresses for bitcoin for a period of 30 days.
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{ getMetric(metric: "daily_active_addresses"){ timeseriesData( selector: {slug: "bitcoin"} from: "2024-01-01T00:00:00Z" to: "2024-01-31T23:59:59Z" interval: "1d"){ datetime value } } }
Retrieve data for one asset, apply some transformation - I
The development activity is very sensitive to day/night cycles, as well as public holidays or vacation days taken by the team. To smooth the data we can apply a moving average transformation to the data direclty in the API call.
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{ getMetric(metric: "dev_activity") { timeseriesData( slug: "ethereum" from: "utc_now-365d" to: "utc_now" interval: "7d" transform: { type: "moving_average" movingAverageBase: 4 }) { datetime value } } }
You can test this query in the GraphiQL Explorer.
Retrieve data for one asset, apply some transformation - II
The twitter_followers
metric shows the total number of twitter followers of
the handle of a project. If we apply the consecutive_difference
we can
directly see how the total number of followers changes week by week (because we
use 7 day interval). The values show how many followers the project gained or
lost for each time period.
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{ getMetric(metric: "twitter_followers") { timeseriesData( slug: "ethereum" from: "utc_now-365d" to: "utc_now" interval: "7d" transform: {type: "consecutive_differences"}) { datetime value } } }
You can test this query in the GraphiQL Explorer.
Retrieve data for multiple assets with a single API call
This query obtains data for a list of assets in a single request.
You can specify the assets by providing a list of their slugs using the slugs
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{ getMetric(metric: "price_usd") { timeseriesDataPerSlug( from: "utc_now-1d" to: "utc_now" interval: "15m" selector: {slugs: ["ethereum","tezos","eos","color-platform","enecuum","slink"]}) { datetime data { slug value } } } }
You can test this query in the GraphiQL Explorer.
Note: If you want to retrieve the most recent data, you can use "utc_now" as the value for the
argument, instead of specifying a date.
Retrieving Prices at 1-Second Intervals
Only the price data with source cryptocompare
is available at such small
If you need to fetch the price of a cryptocurrency that changes every second within a specific time frame, you can do so using our API.
Here is an example of how to retrieve the price of Bitcoin in USD at 1-second intervals for the past minute:
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{ getMetric(metric: "price_usd") { timeseriesData( selector: { slug: "bitcoin" source: "cryptocompare" } from: "utc_now-1m" to: "utc_now" interval: "1s" cachingParams: {baseTtl: 1, maxTtlOffset: 1} ) { datetime value } } }
You can test this query in the GraphiQL Explorer.
Get some information about each project
Get some data for each project
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{ allProjects { slug name ticker description logoUrl websiteLink twitterLink discordLink slackLink telegramLink facebookLink marketSegments githubLinks infrastructure } }
You can test this query in the GraphiQL Explorer
Aggregate Data for Multiple Assets
If you need to retrieve the most recent MVRV data for multiple assets, such as Ethereum, Bitcoin, and Aave, you can accomplish this with a single query. The following is a simple solution:
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{ allProjects( selector: { baseProjects: { slugs: ["ethereum", "bitcoin", "aave"] } }) { slug aggregatedTimeseriesData( metric: "mvrv_usd_intraday_365d" from: "utc_now-1d" to: "utc_now" aggregation: LAST) } }
You can test this query in the GraphiQL Explorer.
Get an aggregated value for each asset
The example below returns 3 values for each asset:
- The latest known price in the last 24 hours,
if no new price is known; - The highest price of the past 7 days;
- The total development activity for the past 30 days.
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{ allProjects(page: 1 pageSize: 100) { slug name ticker latestPrice: aggregatedTimeseriesData(metric: "price_usd" aggregation: LAST from: "utc_now-1d" to: "utc_now") highestWeeklyPrice: aggregatedTimeseriesData(metric: "price_usd" aggregation: MAX from: "utc_now-7d" to: "utc_now") devActivity30d: aggregatedTimeseriesData(metric: "dev_activity-1d" aggregation: SUM from: "utc_now-30d" to: "utc_now") } }
Filter and order assets and get data for them
The API allows for very complex queries that filter, order and paginate projects. The example below:
- Runs on the watchlist
(one can use their own watchlists) with the addition ofsantiment
; - Keeps only those projects that have at least 1000 daily active addresses on average for the last 7 days;
- Orders the result in descending order using the current daily active addresses;
- Returns the first 10 projects according to these filter and orderding rules.
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{ allProjects( selector: { baseProjects: [{ watchlistSlug: "stablecoins" }, { slugs: ["santiment", "bitcoin", "ethereum"]}] filters: [ { metric: "daily_active_addresses" from: "utc_now-7d" to: "utc_now" aggregation: AVG operator: GREATER_THAN threshold: 1000 } ] orderBy: { metric: "daily_active_addresses" from: "utc_now-3d" to: "utc_now" aggregation: LAST direction: DESC } pagination: { page: 1, pageSize: 10 } } ) { slug avgDaa7d: aggregatedTimeseriesData( metric: "daily_active_addresses" from: "utc_now-7d" to: "utc_now" aggregation: AVG ) } }
Retrieve all available projects for a specific metric
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{ getMetric(metric: "daily_active_addresses") { metadata { availableProjects{ slug } } } }
You can test this query in the GraphiQL Explorer.
Retrieve all available metrics for a specific project
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{ projectBySlug(slug: "bitcoin"){ # All metrics availableMetrics # Only the timeseries metrics -- those that are fetched by getMetric's timeseriesData field availableTimeseriesMetrics # The available metrics paired with the link to their documentation availableMetricsExtended { metric docs { link } } } }
You can test this query in the GraphiQL Explorer
Retrieve the access restrictions for each metric for a given subscription plan
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{ getAccessRestrictions(filter: METRIC product: SANAPI plan: BUSINESS_PRO) { # Name of the metric name # Is the metric accessible at all, some metrics are not accessible in FREE plan isAccessible # If some time range restrictions are applied isRestricted # If the metric is scheduled for deprecation isDeprecated # What is the earliest date you can access. null if no restriction is applied restrictedFrom # What is the latest date you can access. null if no restriction is applied restrictedTo docs { link } } }
You can test this query in the GraphiQL Explorer
Retrieve Current Prices for All Assets
allProjects {
price: aggregatedTimeseriesData(
metric: "price_usd"
from: "utc_now-1d"
to: "utc_now"
aggregation: LAST)
You can test this query in the GraphiQL Explorer.
Retrieve Current Trending Words
from: "utc_now-3h"
to: "utc_now"
size: 20
interval: "1h") {
topWords {
You can test this query in the GraphiQL Explorer.
Read next: Rate Limits