Price Volatility
Price volatility is used to describe price fluctuations of an asset.
If we use and to denote mean and standard deviation of asset prices, then we define Price Volatility as:
Price volatility metrics are available for 4 different time periods
- Price volatility for the last dayprice_volatility_1w
- Price volatility for the last 7 daysprice_volatility_2w
- Price volatility for the last 14 daysprice_volatility_4w
- Price volatility for the last 28 days
Examples of use cases:
- Traders seek volatile assets because they move more quickly and have larger price changes. Those price changes are both upward and downward. Keeping this in mind, a trader needs effective risk management in order to trade volatile assets profitably.
- On the other hand, some traders seek exposure to the assets that are the least volatile, and they might use this metric to identify those assets.
Measuring Unit
Data Type
Available Assets
Available for these assets
Note: All metrics are available for the same set of assets
Available under names: price_volatility_1d
, price_volatility_1w
and price_volatility_4w
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
{ getMetric(metric: "price_volatility_1d"){ timeseriesData( slug: "santiment" from: "2022-11-01T00:00:00Z" to: "2022-11-03T00:00:00Z" interval: "5m"){ datetime value } } }