Positive/Negative Sentiment Metrics
The Sentiment Positive and Sentiment Negative metrics represnt the sum of Sentiment Score values.
metrics are computed by taking the sum of the positive sentiment scores that are over 0.7.sentiment_negative_<source>
metrics are computed by taking the sum of the negative sentiment scores that are over 0.7.sentiment_balance_<source>
metrics show the difference betweensentiment_positive_<source>
Available Sources
Thare are 10 messages in telegram that mention bitcoin
. Below is a table that shows
the sentiment scores of those 10 messages. The messages with the same sentiment score
are grouped together (messages count bigger than 1).
Messages count | Positive Sentiment Score | Negative Sentiment Score |
3 | 0.7 | 0.3 |
2 | 1.0 | 0.0 |
3 | 0.2 | 0.8 |
2 | 0.55 | 0.45 |
Using this data we can compute:
Positive and Negative Sentiment Bitcoin Chart
Measuring Unit
Sum of sentiment scores
Data Type
Available Assets
All metrics have the same set of available assets
Fetch timeseries data for sentiment_positive_total
for a single asset:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
{ getMetric(metric: "sentiment_positive_total") { timeseriesData( slug: "ethereum" from: "utc_now-90d" to: "utc_now-30d" interval: "7d" ) { datetime value } } }
Fetch timeseries data for sentiment_negative_telegram
for multiple assets at the same time:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
{ getMetric(metric: "sentiment_negative_telegram") { timeseriesDataPerSlug( from: "utc_now-60d" to: "utc_now-55d" interval: "1d" selector: {slugs: ["ethereum","bitcoin"]}) { data { slug value } datetime } } }
Fetch aggregated daily values for many assets:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
{ allProjects(page: 1 pageSize: 50){ slug sentimentPositive: aggregatedTimeseriesData( metric: "sentiment_positive_total" from: "utc_now-7d" to: "utc_now") sentimentNegative: aggregatedTimeseriesData( metric: "sentiment_negative_total" from: "utc_now-7d" to: "utc_now") sentimentBalance: aggregatedTimeseriesData( metric: "sentiment_balance_total" from: "utc_now-7d" to: "utc_now") } }
Full list of metrics
The full list of Postive/Negative/Balance sentiment metrics is:
Open Positive Sentiment Metrics List
Open Positive Sentiment Metrics List
- sentiment_positive_4chan
- sentiment_positive_bitcointalk
- sentiment_positive_reddit
- sentiment_positive_telegram
- sentiment_positive_twitter
- sentiment_positive_youtube_videos
- sentiment_positive_farcaster
- sentiment_positive_total
Open Negative Sentiment Metrics List
Open Negative Sentiment Metrics List
- sentiment_negative_4chan
- sentiment_negative_bitcointalk
- sentiment_negative_reddit
- sentiment_negative_telegram
- sentiment_negative_twitter
- sentiment_negative_youtube_videos
- sentiment_negative_farcaster
- sentiment_negative_total
Open Balance Sentiment Metrics List
Open Balance Sentiment Metrics List
- sentiment_balance_4chan
- sentiment_balance_bitcointalk
- sentiment_balance_reddit
- sentiment_balance_telegram
- sentiment_balance_twitter
- sentiment_balance_youtube_videos
- sentiment_balance_farcaster
- sentiment_balance_total