- Definition
- Access
- Measuring Unit
- Data Type
- Frequency
- Latency
- Available Assets
- Sanbase
- SanAPI
- Social Volume AI for an asset
- Full list of metrics
Social Volume AI
Social Volume is build on top of the Social Data.
The Social Volume AI metric has the same idea as the Social Volume. But for finding relation of text to the given asset we use NLP (Named Entity Recognition and Named Entity Linking) models. And the same as in Unique Social Volume we take into account only unique text documents for each interval, i.e. completely duplicated messages will be excluded from the calculations.
Measuring Unit
Amount of distinct related to the given asset documents extracted by NLP model.
Data Type
Five-Minute Intervals One-Hour Intervals
Available Assets
Available for these assets
metric is available for the same set of assets.
Social Volume AI for an asset can be seen on a a project's page.
Available under the social_volume_ai_total
Social Volume AI for an asset
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
{ getMetric(metric: "social_volume_ai_total") { timeseriesData( selector: { slug: "santiment" } from: "2020-01-01T00:00:00Z" to: "2020-01-07T00:00:00Z" interval: "1d" ) { datetime value } } }
Full list of metrics
The full list of Social Volume metrics is:
Open Change Metrics List
Open Change Metrics List
- social_volume_ai_total
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