Large Transactions
Large Transaction Signal indicates transactions with large value in USD.
In order to filter most valuable transactions for each transaction a threshold value is defined. The threshold is the USD value of the top-fifth transaction in last 30 days.
If the transaction's approximate value in USD is above the threshold value, a signal is fired.
Approximate transaction values are calculated by multiplying the amount of transferres coins to closest coin's price value using price data with 5 minutes interval for each transaction.
List of supported tokens
- ethereum
- tether
- 1inch
- aave
- badger-dao
- balancer
- band-protocol
- bancor
- compound
- curve
- dodo
- enjin-coin
- kyber-network
- chainlink
- loopring
- maker
- orion-protocol
- ren
- augur
- synthetix-network-token
- sushi
- uniswap
- yearn-finance
- 0x