Centralized exchange
The centralized exchange label is used to identify wallet addresses that belong to centralized cryptocurrency exchanges (e.g. Binance, Coinbase, etc).
Centralzied exchanges (CEX) are operated by a central authority or entity that manages the exchange, executes trades, and stores users' digital assets. CEXs typically have a user-friendly interface and offer high liquidity, faster transaction processing, and a wide range of trading pairs.
Label fqn
Please note that there's no way to know whether you collected ALL addresses of the particular exchange. Although we constantly working on adding new labels it's safe to assume there are still exchange addresses we did not label yet.
Label Examples
Binance centralized exchange address: 0x28c6c06298d514db089934071355e5743bf21d60
Huobi centralized exchange address: 0x5c985e89dde482efe97ea9f1950ad149eb73829b
Available Blockchains
- bitcoin
- ethereum
See Also
List of centralized exchanges we label addresses for:
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Abcc Alcumex_exchange Aprobit Artis_turba_exchange Arzpaya.com Ataix Azbit Beaxy Beldex Bgogo Bibox Bidesk Bigone Biki.com Bilaxy Binance Bit-z Bit2c Bitazza Bitbase Bitbee Bitblinx Bitci Bitebtc Bitexlive Bitfinex Bitflyer Bitfront Bitgrail Bithumb Bitkeep Bitkub Bitmart Bitmax Bitmex Bitpanda Bitrue Bitstamp Bitstorage Bittrex Bitun.io Bity.com Bitzlato Blockfolio Blocktrades_exchange Bololex.com Btc-alpha_exchange Btc-e Btcrush Btcturk Bw.com Bybit C-cex C2cx Cakedefi Cambochanger Cashierest Catex_exchange Cex.io Chainx Changelly Cobinhood Coinbase Coinbene Coindcx Coindelta Coindhan Coinex Coinexchange.io Coinhako Coinmetro_exchange Coinnest Coinone Coinsquare Coinswitch Coinw Coss.io Crex24 Crypto.com Cryptopia Cryptsy Currency.com Deribit Digifinex Dmex Eidoo Eigen_fx Eterbase Etherc Exchange_a Exmo Faa.st Fatbtc Fcoin Firi Fixedfloat Flata.exchange Flybit Folgory_exchange Ftx Gate.io Gatehub Gbx Gemini Ggbtc.com Gopax Hitbtc Hoo.com Hotbit Huobi Idax.global Indodax Indoex_ltd Jpmarket.cc Kickex Korbit Kraken Kryptono Kucoin Kuna.io Latoken Liqui.io Liquid Livecoin.net Localethereum Luno Maicoin Maskex Mercatox Mexc Minedtrade.com Mxc Nbx Nexbit_pro Oax Okcoin Okex Omgfin_exchange Otcbtc Panda.exchange Paribu Peatio Poloniex Qryptos Quadrigacx Quantaex Refund Remitano Shapeshift Southxchange Sparrow_exchange Streamity: streamdesk Swissborg Switchain Tagz Tidex Tokocrypto Topbtc Trade.io Uex Upbit Vinex Wex Whitebit Wintermute Xtcom Yobit.net Yoobtc Yunbi Zb.com